Fun South Westland school restoration project.

We were sent these photos from Vicki Smith, an artist and environmentalist who does some fantastic work with communities and school groups. Vicki is currently working with South Westland school on a restoration project.

The group decorated 50 of the 100 supplied EmGuards, and ideas drawn included the creatures in and around the awa, care (no trash), literal and graphic explorations of the themes or just graphic and written elements on the tree guard shape and linking to the end of year for the cohort.

A smaller number came out to do the planting – managed by two students who have been driving the project towards restoration efforts (with input from teachers and a local community member).

Well done to Vicki and all those involved in making this a fun and environmentally beneficial project!


FuturEcology & EmGuard ™ January 2022 update


FuturEcology & EmGuard ™ December update