Glasswort project

The team at FuturEcology have been involved in restoration work in the Waimea Estuary, trying to re-introduce glasswort (Sarcocornia quinqueflora), a species of succulent halophytic coastal shrub, and other saltmarsh species such as oioi, Juncus krausii and saltmarsh ribbonwood to an area of old gravel pit and road.

The job involved first ripping the substrate that had been compacted due to previous use to allow plant roots to actually be able to penetrate through the soil and then taking propagules of glasswort from existing beds and “seeding” them into the ripped area.

The area was plotted  and then the aim is to have about 40% of the area “seeded” and then to monitor the success of the newly seeded areas as well as monitoring the natural regeneration of saltmarsh from existing beds.

We started spreading the propagules in October and by early November, from observations, white roots are forming and the moving of small clumps seems to be the desired methodology.

The other main challenge is keeping weeds out of the site.


FuturEcology & EmGuard ™ January 2023 update.


FuturEcology & EmGuard ™ December 2022 update.